Social Security Expenses with Patients with Headache by the National Institute of Social Security from 2008 to 2014 - Brazil
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Published: 30 April 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Studies have shown high costs associated with diseases of the nervous system. The present study aims to analyze the social security expenses arising from headache, from 2008 to 2014, Brazil. This is a descriptive study, with a retrospective and cross-sectional design in data collection and quantitative approach. The Social Security database was consulted in order to obtain information about the main benefits offered to headache patients by the National Social Security Institute (INSS). There was an increase in headache expenses over the years 2008-2014, totaling US$ 5,922,694.65, with predominance in the urban area and in the female gender. The main social security benefit was sickness aid, with an annual average cost of US$ 809,208.48 and total expenses during the period of US$ 5,664,459.33. The total number of individuals during this period was 12,440, with an annual average of 1,777. The average annual increase in social security spending for this pathology was 14%. It was noted that the headache damages go beyond the patient’s physical well-being and have a great social security impact, since there is a loss of productivity at work due to the absence rates or even the work disability.
Keywords: headache, social security, epidemiology, costs and cost analysis.

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Henrique Nunes Pereira Oliva, Marcelo Jose da Silva de Magalhaes, Henrique Caires Souza Azevedo, Getulio Paixao Pereira, Lucas Gabriel Quadros Ramos. (2018-04-30). "Social Security Expenses with Patients with Headache by the National Institute of Social Security from 2008 to 2014 - Brazil." *Volume 1*, 1, 1-8